Roast Beef Dinner
Norwich Fish and Game Association 44 Browning Rd, Norwich, CT, US$15.00 (get your tickets early and often at the NF&G Bar or call the club to reserve tickets (860) 887-3174
$15.00 (get your tickets early and often at the NF&G Bar or call the club to reserve tickets (860) 887-3174
Pistol Class
Pistol Class
Pistol Class
On March 23 NF&G will be holding a unique night trap shooting event. Non-members are welcome to participate. White targets will be flying from the trap house to increase visibility.
Pistol Class
$15.00 (Get your tickets early and often at the bar or call the club to reserve (860) 887-3174
$12.00 (tickets are limited)
Spring clean up day at the club. You all know what to do. Bring your tools and lets get after it.